Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Short example

I was writing a short intro today and needed a background with only a sustained chord track. I was going to write a simple groove ... but then realized that it was simpler than that. Here's what I did:

  /// start off by turning off everything
   Groove None
  /// and now load a single track
   Chord-Sus  Groove RockWaltzSus

Yup, it's that easy.

A problem with #s in chord names

Just working on a song and had a chord "F#5". Looking at the actual song, this was clearly supposed to be an F augmented or F with a sharp 5. But, the way MMA is right now it takes it to be an F# altered 5th (Power chord). Not at all the same.

So, I'm changing things so that  #5 is replaced with (#5).

Want to make the change in your version? Just change '#5' to '(#5)' in line 494 of chordtable.py.

Of course, you can always use "Faug" or, even easier, F+ and get the same results.

Comments? Suggestions? Always appreciated!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Let's share

I got an interesting email today from a fellow who'd just finished a complete song using only MMA to create a background track for a video game he is working on.

So, I listened to it. And was amazed ... it was really good.

He had a few comments and questions which I answered to the best of my abilities. But the email reminded me that there is a spot on our web page:


for real world examples.

So, what are you creating with MMA? Let me know and I'll add you to the links!

 I've been pretty neglectful in keeping this blog up-to-date. Lots of excuses ... but, I'll try to do a bit better! There is a new b...